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How to Contact Instagram Customer Service – Just in Case!

“We’re always testing new ways to improve the Instagram experience,” a spokesperson for Instagram told TechCrunch

That might be so, but they’re still lacking in the customer service department.


With over 1 Billion Instagrammers, you’d think that Instagram HQ would have a solid customer service system in place. But unfortunately, that isn’t so. Instagram’s help center is notoriously difficult to get a hold of in times of need.

First of all, there is no such thing as an Instagram help email.

If you’re wondering how to email Instagram, bad news. While they used to offer help through the email address “[email protected]”, they stopped supporting this a while ago.

If you do try to email them here, you will receive a polite, but brief response that literally says:

Instagram Help Email - How to Get Around This

“You’ve reached us at a channel that we no longer support. Please visit the Help Center to find answers to many frequently asked questions and up-to-date forms you can use to contact us.” (or just keep reading below)

There’s no such thing as an Instagram help email address, not to mention a phone number or any other form of direct contact to get your Instagram problems solved.

However, fear not. Instagram does have an extensive Help Center that has answers to most problems. And, if you don’t get an answer through their Help Center, there are still a few ways you can indirectly contact them to report a problem, etc.

In this post, we will discuss them all.



How To Contact Instagram


We are not Instagram Customer Service.


This article was written by Jumper Media, a social media agency in sunny San Diego.


Please don’t call us with questions about your password, etc.


There is NO Instagram Help Email




Instead, Here are 6 ways to contact Instagram Customer Service about a Problem:



1. Browse Instagram Help Center to see if the solution to your problem already exists there.

You might not even need to talk to someone at Instagram.

Before you start the tedious process of contacting Instagram representatives, take a look at their Help Center. It has a huge list of common problems and solutions.

So, if you’re having basic problems related to the following issues, then you’re in luck. You’ll get all of your answers through this platform.


How to Email Instagram


Here’s a breakdown of these 5 basic issues that they address in the help center:

  • Using Instagram: If you’re having problems signing in, syncing contacts, creating an account, updating your profile, controlling your profile visibility, editing pictures and videos through your account, tagging them or sharing them on your other social media accounts then click on this option.


How to Contact Instagram to Report a Problem


  • Managing Your Account: If you’re having trouble managing your posts privacy, turning comments on or off, temporarily disabling your account, saving posts to your phone, adding account authentication steps, creating and switching between multiple accounts and so on, click here.


Is is possible to get a phone call with Instagram? (Good Luck! Try this instead)


  • Troubleshooting and Login Help: If you just can’t seem to log in, you’re getting error messages regarding followers or while adding or deleting posts and comments, click here.


How to contact Instagram with isssues


  • Privacy and Service Center: If you’re new to Instagram and would like to read about their community guidelines, this is the place for you. Also, if you’d like to tighten up your own profile security and privacy, or have issues related to it, you’ll find your answers here.

Instagram Forum and Help Center


  • Instagram for Business: If you’re using Instagram for business purposes, you’ll find most of your answers here.

Instagram help for business accounts



Bonus Material:

⇒ Access our Instagram Marketing Toolbox ⇐


2. Next, jump onto the business section of the Facebook Help Center.

Here’s where things get a little tricky. Instead of browsing through help sections like in Instagram’s Help Center, you need to search for your query in the search bar.


Contact Instagram through Facebook Business Ads


Start off by just searching for your problem keywords. For example, {Instagram + sign up} and go through the posts that come up.

If your answer isn’t there, get specific with your keywords.



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  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.



3. Then, post questions in the Facebook Community Forum for advertisers.

Now it’s time to involve the Facebook + Instagram community and learn from other people’s experience. While there isn’t a dedicated Instagram forum, if you’re using Instagram for business, this forum is a goldmine for you. You can either search from the plethora of questions people have already asked…


How to contact instagram for help


or, you can ask a question yourself and wait for the community members to answer.

Here’s how you ask a question:

  • Click on your profile picture.


How to contact instagram for help


  • Next, click on ‘Questions’. You’ll see an option in the top corner ‘Ask a Question’. Click on that.


How to contact instagram for help


  • Finally, type your question. Add as many details as possible to avoid going to and fro multiple times with community members who’re trying to help you out.

You can also click on the FAQs section and go through common questions to see if there is an answer there.


How to contact instagram for help

4. Use the power of social media (If there’s still no answer to your problems)

Send them a message through their official Facebook page. Don’t bother posting your queries on their timeline, just keep messaging them.

Another way is to write a review on their Facebook page.


How to contact instagram for help


As you can see, a lot of people are frustrated with their lack of customer support. However, it’s still a great way to get answers from others. And maybe, just maybe, Instagram might take all these bad reviews into account and work on their extremely unreliable support system.

Next is Twitter. Tweet them on their official Twitter page. Compose a tweet and tag @Instagram. This is their official twitter handle. Don’t tag @InstagramSupport or similar pages because they’re all fake. They just have one official page.

Also, send them a Direct Message on Twitter.


How to shame Instagram into contacting you with social media callouts

Source: WikiHow


Finally, send them a direct message through their official Instagram account.

Create a social media hurricane by tagging them everywhere. Chances are they might listen and solve your problem. Ask friends to tag them with the same queries. However, don’t be rude or abusive in your messages. Be firm, but polite.



Bonus Material:

⇒ Access the Instagram Marketer’s Toolbox  ⇐


5. Contact them via their app

There’s an option to contact Instagram Customer Service directly from the app. Use  this option to provide feedback or report a technical issue. Click on ‘Options’ (gear wheel) in your profile and then tap ‘Report a Problem’ in the menu.

Here's how to contact Instagram with their app

Source: Quora

6. Don’t have an Instagram account and still want to lodge a complaint? 

If you don’t have an Instagram account, you can report abuse, spam or anything else that doesn’t follow their Community Guidelines using this form.



Alternate places to get your Instagram problems solved (that aren’t the Help Center)

There are several platforms on the internet where people come together to discuss their issues. You can use these platforms to ask community members if they’ve been through similar problems and if they can help solve your Instagram related problem.

It’s not a foolproof way to get answers, but when we’re dealing with Instagram, there’s no foolproof way to get your voice heard and your queries solved anyways.

So, below are some of the platforms you can use to rally support and get answers.


Ask a question on Quora

Ask a question on Quora, or search amongst the questions asked by others. Type in your query keywords in the search bar, and sift through the results.


How to contact instagram for help via Quora


You can also click on one of the topics in the ‘Related Topics’ tab and go through the questions that pop up there.

And to make sure you don’t miss out on any further similar questions that might come up, make an account and follow the channel. For example,


How to contact instagram on Quora


Once you follow a channel, you’ll receive all the latest questions and updates in your email.

Search or ask on Reddit

There are two ways to use Reddit here. You can either go through the questions asked by searching for your query through their search bar.

Use Reddit for contacting IG

To save time and effort, you can simply Google it. Google {your query + reddit} and you’ll get directed to questions that are related to your problem.

And, if you have a Reddit account, you can ask questions from the Reddit community. Like I mentioned earlier, make sure you provide sufficient details about your problem to get the right solution.


Find the answer on Google

Simply google your query. Chances are someone somewhere asked the same question on some platform, and by google-ing your question, you might be able to find it.


Contact your Facebook Advertising Account Manager

I saved this one for last because it only applies to people that are,

  1. Spending money on Facebook/Instagram ads
  2. Are spending enough money to have their very own Account Manager at Facebook (aka a real human being to go to for help)

There is no public information about how to be assigned a Facebook Account Manager, but usually if you are spending in excess of a few thousand dollars a month on Facebook/Instagram Ads you will have a good chance of being assigned one.

Get to know this person. They are a useful resource for help optimizing your Facebook/Instagram ad strategies.

And even more importantly…


Sometimes you just want to talk to a human. So if the above strategies for contacting Instagram Customer Service do not work for you, and you meet the above criteria, this will definitely be your best bet.



Have you ever tried contacting Instagram Customer Service? How did it go? 

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