Promote an Event through Social Media Advertising
Our videographers and photographers know how to create visual content that’ll tell your story.
Being both authentic and compelling in today’s digitized world is a challenge, but our team has years of experience doing just that.
Event promotion is a big part of what we do at Jumper Media – whether it’s capturing the vibe of the last beer and wine festival you held or documenting a recent golf tournament you sponsored. We know how to get through to your customers and tell the world what you’re all about.
Promoting Events Using Social Media Advertising
1. Capture footage of the event.
This is where it all begins: the raw footage. Real-time photos and videos are the best way to capture the essence of any event, and it’s our job to present it as something the viewer definitely won’t want to miss out on.
When possible, we’ll take great footage of your event the year before, and then use those videos and photos to advertise leading up to the next event the following year. This is the best way to really generate interest before your next big event – then, we’ll combine that with epic user-generated content to create a big-picture glimpse into what the upcoming big day is all about.
2. Create social media ads with video and photos.
Generating buzz is the key to making your event work. We’ll put together an epic video with great visuals and sound to encourage people to start sharing it on social media. We want to elicit emotion and, yes, create that nagging sense of “FOMO!” Our job is to make sure people know they’re missing out on something big if they don’t check out the event.
How we shoot, structure, and edit the video all aligns with that goal. We’ll also incorporate as much of your existing footage as possible to really create a seamless, authentic look.
3. Convert those leads to ticket sales.
From there, we’ll create social media ads with the video and photo content we’ve created. Our ads gurus team in San Diego will craft FOMO-inducing campaigns and then tie those campaign efforts into what matters: selling those tickets!
Whether you’re selling online or through a landing page, we’ll make sure that we track all converted sales and retarget people along the way who aren’t converting or falling through the sales funnel. If you don’t have one, we’ll set up a landing page for the actual event with the media we’ve created for it.
Essentially, we want to make your event look as awesome as possible!
Whether it’s a family-oriented event, a food festival, or a beer tasting, our team will figure out the best way to put that content in front of people and lead them towards that ticket purchase.
Our Event Promotion Strategies
One of the biggest ways we use videos and photos to promote an event is to begin the promotion way ahead of time. This creates that essential ‘buzz’ and gives us ample time to reach as many people as possible! We’ll also typically create a Facebook Event for the video to promote, which provides a direct link to the ticket sale page – making it that much easier for consumers to convert.
Influencer Marketing
We always look for local influencers to work with when promoting an event. By teaming up with influencers on both the micro and macro levels, we make sure the local community is aware they’ll be attending the event. Influencer marketing is something we incorporate into every event promotion we do.
Social Media Ad Campaigns
Video and photo ads on social media take on an entirely different meaning when it comes to event promotion. These video ads need to be compelling, captivating and convince the viewer that this is something they seriously need to attend.
Benefits of Effective Event Promotion
Effective, authentic event promotion not only increases your visibility within the community, it also creates buzz around your event and thus, around your business and brand.
Here are some other benefits of promoting your event.
- Growing leads and social media following
- Increased brand awareness through local influencers and marketing
- Increased vendor interest
- Establishing and growing relationships on a micro and macro level
- Increased credibility within your community
Types of Events We Promote
Effective, authentic event promotion not only increases your visibility within the community, it also creates buzz around your event and thus, around your business and brand.
Here are some other benefits of promoting your event.
- Music festivals
- Beer festivals
- Food festivals and events
- Community events
- Corporate events/sponsored events
- Spirit company events
- Spirit company events
- Corporate events/sponsored events
- Spirit company events
- Spirit company events
We want your event to get the promotion it deserves through social media ads.
To learn more about the types of events we’ve promoted at Jumper Media, take a look at our Social Media Ad Portfolio below. If you’re ready to get started, schedule a call with us today!