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27 Cool Things to Post on Instagram: Ideas from Top Brands & Influencer Profiles

Instagram has gone mainstream.

I know this because Phil, the octogenarian equipment manager from my high school football glory days, just liked nine of my photos and posted a picture of his toes.

Face it: if you’re over 35 “Insta” may not come naturally. If you’re not careful, you could end up posting a picture of your toes.

And even if you’re a social media savvy millennial, keeping your Insta feed fresh with diverse content can be taxing. While you may know full well how to post pictures on Instagram, how do you know what to post on Instagram? Is your IG profile everything it can be? And what about social media marketers? The folks behind the brands? You guys need inspiration too!

Let’s be honest, you can never have enough content ideas. Personally, I’m always running out of stuff to post. So I put together this exhaustive list of 27 Awesome Post Ideas from Instagram’s Most Compelling Brands.

(Just don’t blame us when you have to turn off your IG notifications because your feed is blowing up.)

So if you’re wondering what to post on Instagram, or if you need some ideas for your next IG post, or just want to make sure your next picture is cool, funny, cute – whatever! Our massive list of Instagram post ideas is sure to delight.



What to Post on your Instagram Feed: Our Coolest, Cutest & Funniest Ideas


The Go-Tos // “Basic” Ideas for your Next Post


1. Cool Photos of Landscapes

Start with Landscapes. Of all the different types of photos on Instagram, Landscapes get the most engagement.  Bonus points for water, nature, landmarks, exotic locales, and bridges.

How do you post on Instagram - The Quick Reference Guide


2. Creative Collages

Have you ever taken a set of photos and thought, well, it’s a shame to pick just one of these to share? Or maybe you want to show off different scenes with similar aesthetics to mix up your Instagram feed. A collage is a great way to do that—and luckily, with editing apps like Instasize out there, collages now come in all shapes, forms, and dimensions, not just a default white-bordered grid. Download it for free on both the App Store and Google Play.

3. Selfies

Sel-fie (noun)

  1. A strange phenomenon in which the photographer is also the subject of the photograph, in a subversive twist on the traditional understanding of the photograph.
  2. The beginning of the end of intelligent civilization.
  3. The bread and butter of Instagram. Something to post when you run out of somethings to post. 

Instagram Post Ideas for Selfies - Tips4. Artsy Food Pics

Nom nom nom.  Who doesn’t love some good food porn?  The brands below are masters of this class of Instagram photo.  Bird’s eye view shots are popular.

Instagram Photos - Food Porn for the win!

As are so-called food-selfies where the hand of the photographer extends forward to imply imminent inhalation.

What should you post on Instagram? - Hand Pics


Recommended Reading: Instagram Stories: How they Work, What to Know Before You Start Posting, plus 15 Content Ideas to Get You Started



5. Cute Pictures of Puppies 

There’s just something about puppies.  See a puppy on your Insta feed and I guarantee you’ll double-tap.  If you are fortunate enough to own or have access to one, by all means, take full advantage and let the world know by posting a photo to your Instagram account. Time is of the essence!  In about 6 months that little rascal will have turned into a full-sized terror, who knocks stuff over and ruins your furniture.

Instagram Post Ideas - Puppies

Recommended reading: 33 Ways to Get More Instagram Engagement


6. Cute Posts of Babies

Babies are like puppies, but human.  Enough said.

Instagram Photo Ideas - Babies

7. The Risqué

Sex sells. The best Instagram brands don’t just post boobs, butts, and abs unabashedly – their photos showcase their products as well as the beautiful people who use them.

Just ask your favorite Instagram influencer!

Instagram Cool Photos - Sex Sells


8. Cool Pictures of Cars

Vroom vroom. Ever since the days of Henry Ford, cars have been the epitome of cool.

Now they are a cornerstone of good Instagram content.

Instagram Picture Ideas - Car Porn

If you’re into cars, you need to check out @american.supercars.  They are a company that buys and sells high-end American cars, and their Insta is a perfect example of how great content can drive sales.  Pun intended.



9. Products

Take a look at @stadiumgoods, a sneaker shop in NYC, to see how a great brand uses IGto promote their products.  A combination of great photos, consistent posting, and a DJ Khaled celeb endorsement has gotten them to over 269k followers.

For more inspiration, check out @taylorcatherwood.  She is a puppy loving handbag designer that absolutely kills it on Instagram.


10. Your Venue

Many restaurants on IG only post pictures of their food, but they’re missing out on a huge opportunity. The best restaurants also show off their interiors.  A restaurant is much more than just food after all.


11. Pics of your Employees

Why should you post pictures of your employees on Insta? 

A.   They are really, really, ridiculously good looking.

B.   So they will share with their friends.

C.   To show prospective employees your awesome company culture.

D.   Because great people make great companies.

E.   All of the Above!


12. Your Signage

@DelawareAndHudson, a Michelin starred restaurant in Brooklyn, uses a chalkboard to announce new specials, events, and to make people laugh.  They share pictures of the chalkboard on IG to reach more customers. We love it.

How to post on Instagram - For Small Business Owners

Recommended reading: 11 Ways Instagram is Transforming the Modern Restaurant


13. Customers & UGC

Your customers are great. Show them you care! Post a picture of them, they’ll share it with their friends, and everyone wins!

You don’t even need to take the photo yourself.  You can repost customer photos (also known as user-generated content or UGC) just be sure to follow the guidelines if you decide to try this post idea.




14. Behind the Scenes (for Small Business Instagrammers)

“Behind the Scenes” posts set IG apart from other advertising outlets and social media platforms. Customers love to see what’s going on backstage.

Behind the Scenes Instagram Pics

@TSA (the same TSA that made you miss your last flight) gets our vote for best “Behind the Scenes” content.  They post pictures of all the strange things they confiscate at the airport security line.  Hilarity ensues.


15. Partner Showcase

Even Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey’s company @Square is on Instagram. They post great photos of the businesses and people that use their products, which makes their customers very happy. Happy Customers = Healthy Company.


16. Products in Action

Don’t just use your stock product shots.  Go above and beyond by showcasing your products in action.@Frank-Bod’s line of body scrubs are perfectly Instagrammable. Obviously, you can get some pretty funny Instagram photos this way, but you can also up the drama, the color composition, and several other factors by getting products off the table and out into the wild!

Instagram Post Ideas - Products as Heros



17. Events

When I go to cool events, you bet I”m going to humble-brag about them on Instagram.  If your company hosts special events, be sure to feature them on your feed.



18. Videos

Did you post a video in the last month?  If not, try it.

Recommended Reading: The 85 Best Instagram Apps & Tools to Set Your Content Apart From the Rest


19. The Inception Shot

A photo within a photo?  This is one of those artsy picture ideas that will definitely cause people to stop and scratch their heads. Leo ain’t got nothing on you…

Instagram Photo Ideas - The Inception Shot

20. Layout

In 2015 Instagram debuted Layout, an app that lets you easily combine multiple photos within a single image. It’s fun, it’s simple and it gives you a new way to flex your creativity.


21. Big Grid

In the words of Macklemore, this is freaking awesome! There are tons of apps out there that let you splice a single photo into many photos so you can stand out on Instagram. (We like Instagrids.) This is especially useful if you’re using Jumper Media to drive new customers to your page, and really want to make a memorable first impression. @ChefPepeCarmel thank you for this gem.

Instagram Grid Photos



22. Quote Posts

Quotes get some of the best engagement of all posts on Instagram. They might be cheesy. They might not be interesting. But they work.

Ok, but how do you post quotes on Instagram? Exactly how?

Pablo by Buffer is an awesome online tool that lets you add text to any image. Adobe Spark Post is another. Try them out and see which one you like. Then go ahead and go quote-crazy!

Or check out our list of the 21 best photo editor apps for Instagram.


23. Blog Posts

Want to drive more page views to your blog?  Look no further than Instagram.  Use a photo of your latest post to let your followers know it’s live.  Just don’t forget to put the link in your bio.

24. Announcements / Instructions

@Coachella uses Instagram to get the word out to festival attendees with instructions, announcements, and everything in between.  With over 100,000 festival attendees, logistics can be a nightmare, which is why they use Instagram to complement their other communication channels.


25. New Podcast Episodes

Like this one from Jumper Media’s Podcast, Under the Instagram Influence.


26. Reposting Viral Content from the Explore Page

If you’re wondering about the ethics of this, don’t fret. This is actually 100% Kosher on IG. Just be sure to tag the original creator. This is an easy go-to for brands who don’t want to spend a lot of time creating original content. And it totally works!


27. Something Completely 100% Original

Do you think you have an original Instagram post idea? Drop us a link in the comments!



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